Publication Type:
E. Conference PapersSource:
Proc. 26th Chinese Control Conference, Issue NULL (2007)Call Number:
NULLAccession Number:
NULLOther Number:
hybrid systemsAbstract:
We present results on omega-limit sets and minimum phase zero dynamics for hybrid dynamical systems. Moreover, we give pointers to how these results may be useful in the future for solving the output regulation problem for hybrid systems. We highlight the main attributes of omega-limit sets and we show, under mild conditions, that they are asymptotically stable. We define a minimum phase notion in terms of omega-limit sets and establish an equivalent Lyapunov characterization. Then we study the feedback stabilization problem for a class of minimum phase, relative degree one hybrid systems. Finally, we discuss output regulation for this class of hybrid systems. We illustrate the concepts with examples throughout the paper.NULL