Jun Chai

Short Bio

Jun Chai is a graduate student in the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of California Santa Cruz. She received her B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona in 2012 and continued to get her M.S. in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Dynamics and Controls in 2014. She have worked with Dr. Ricardo Sanfelice since 2014 on several power conversion controller design problems using hybrid dynamical system tools. As a graduate researcher in the Hybrid System Lab, her research focuses on the theory developments and application implementations of invariance properties for general hybrid dynamical systems.

Resume available here.

CV available here.

Research Interests

Jun has an interest in the modeling, simulation, forward invariance and stability analysis of hybrid systems with applications to power conversions for smart grids, safety analysis and control for autonomous systems. 


Teaching Assistant

AME 352 (Dynamics of Mechanics) University of Arizona, Fall 2012 

AME 250 (Introduction to Dynamics) University of Arizona, Spring 2013

CMPE 16 (Applied Discrete Mathematics) Univeristy of California, Santa Cruz, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016


Publications Link


Personal Interests

Rock climbing, ukulele, cycling, hiking, free sytle skating and more.  


Jun Chai
Graduate Student Researcher
Department of Computer Engineering
University of California Santa Cruz
1156 High Street MS:SOE3