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Filters: Author is E. Frazzoli and Keyword is hybrid systems  [Clear All Filters]
E. Conference Papers
[31] S. Karaman, R. G. Sanfelice, and E. Frazzoli "Optimal Control of Mixed Logical Dynamical Systems with Linear Temporal Logic Specifications", Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2117–2122, 2008. PDF icon 31.pdf (224.52 KB)
[26] R. G. Sanfelice, and E. Frazzoli "A Hybrid Control Framework for Robust Maneuver-based motion planning", Proc. 27th American Control Conference, pp. 2254–2259, 2008. PDF icon 26.pdf (197.84 KB)
[23] R. G. Sanfelice, and E. Frazzoli "On the optimality of Dubins paths across heterogeneous terrain", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, vol. 4981: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 457-470, 2008. PDF icon 23.pdf (172.44 KB)
D. Journal Articles
[88] R. G. Sanfelice, S. Z. Yong, and E. Frazzoli "On Minimum-time Paths of Bounded Curvature with Position-dependent Constraints", Automatica, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 537–546, February, 2014. PDF icon 88.pdf (318.66 KB)