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Filters: Author is C. G. Mayhew and Keyword is hybrid systems [Clear All Filters]
[107] "Global Exponential Stabilization on the $n$-Dimensional Sphere",
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 3218--3223, June, 2015.
107.pdf (166.88 KB)

[54] "Further results on synergistic Lyapunov functions and hybrid feedback design through backstepping",
Proc. Joint Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pp. 7428–7433, 2011.
54.pdf (134.61 KB)

[49] "Synergistic Lyapunov functions and backstepping hybrid feedbacks",
Proc. 30th American Control Conference, pp. 3203–3208, 2011.
49.pdf (125.5 KB)

[30] "Robust hybrid source-seeking algorithms based on directional derivatives and their approximations",
Proc. 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1735–1740, 2008.
30.pdf (174.31 KB)

[24] "Robust source-seeking hybrid controllers for nonholonomic vehicles",
Proc. 27th American Control Conference, pp. 2722–2727, 2008.
24.pdf (539.78 KB)

[12] "Robust source seeking hybrid controllers for autonomous vehicles",
Proc. 26th American Control Conference, pp. 1185–1190, 2007.
12.pdf (537.94 KB)